
Machu Picchu

Words can not describe the beauty and wonder we felt as we walked and yoga'd throughout this awesome place... so we'll let our pictures do most of the talking.

We stayed the night in Aguas Calientes (the nearest town at the base of the mountain ruins). The town is accessible only by train, which we enjoyed taking after waiting a few extra days in Cusco for the train strike to end.

We awoke before the sun, ate a tomato, onion and cheese sandwitch (the first of eight throughout the day) and started the steep two hour hike up to the entrance of the park. The park rules state that no water and no food can be brought into the ruins, but if we had listened to them, we would have either spent fifty dollars on food or passed out from hunger by nine in the morning. Sometimes you have to break the rules.

The day passed quickly as we covered the grounds of the park, taking time to explore some of the further away ruins, make friends with llamas, and practice yoga.

The clouds began to clear up as the day progressed.

The flowers were as stunning as the ruins!

Josh in unsupported headstand.
Za working on her alignment.
Just one of thousands of nooks to chill in.

Beyond the wall, the train tracks at the left show where we started our walk up to the ruins. Parts of the winding road can be seen to the right.

These terraces would have grown a variety of crops for the nobility that lived at Macchu Picchu. Now they grow grass for the noble llamas.

As the sun started to set, the park became less and less populated. Although it wasn't too crowded throughout our day, it was nice to see the ruins without hundreds of people filtering through them.


Unknown said...

Looks amazing.

And that unsupported headstand blows my mind.

Anonymous said...

machu pinch-me!


Mary said...

seriously, you guys are amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's awesome, glad to see you guys are having fun.

Josh - someone asked if you are dreaming of your "105" friends? Be safe. Word.

Anonymous said...

I know you are already no longer there but I am there with you right now. Can't get enough of staring at the pictures! Love you both. Travel well:)

Josh-that head stand is killer!! I now have a new goal in life.

xoxo, HollY

Tara said...

ZtotheA and JosH (H for headstand!!!),
it is all incredible...
thanks for taking time to share stories
makes the "real world" seem less real and the dream world oh-so-much closer....thank you!!